Halee Curtis



Halee Curtis is a dedicated healer, community member, and activist committed to transformative justice and antiracist queer feminism. They hold degrees in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies, and Refugee and Forced Migration from DePaul University.

Halee has extensive experience working with refugees, having led healing circles in camps in Uganda and Kenya, and served as a resettlement expert with the UNHCR. They have also taught peace studies to high school seniors in Thailand, run support circles for diverse communities through the DePaul Women’s Center, and previously kept peace/support circles and taught on antiracist queer feminist topics for children aged 8-11 years old. Halee has always loved the arts, plays a few instruments, and has worked with ceramics for over 15 years. They look forward to working and fostering creativity with the students!

Halee Curtis


Cynthia Bailey